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by Stephani Pheffer 

All is closing down. The grocery stores have numerous empty shelves. People appear to be panicked and hunkering down like never before. Our schools have been canceled for 1 month, at this point. Social distancing in play.
This is a re-set on our modern, auto pilot of a life. We are being called to level up, to reboot, upgrade our OPERATING SYSTEM.
The coronavirus is saying “this is happening for you, not to you”.
Which wolf will you feed?
Being shaken to our core and paying attention like never before. Ever!
Our modern lives that we consider to be “our norm” have now been disrupted. The ripple effect will cut across large issues down to mundane daily events. Issues will arise that we aren’t yet aware of.
We are being given permission to grow locally and globally.
To question what really matters in life.
To take our power back.
To re-set new habits and patterns.
To develop more GRIT.
Steady hands on the wheel of our lives.
Some are up for the challenge, some may be devastated by it.
All in. What choice do we have?
I suggested to my daughter that some will be housebound and healthy and will choose to binge watch NETFLIX. Not me, I recommended that she set some spiritual goals to develop herself vs. waste this precious life altering opportunity.
Goals as simple as be in the moment.
Savor the wiggling of your toes.
Dance naked.
Inquiry and Radical Faith.
We’ll see. I have my goals set.
Whether you believe in the archetypes of religion, Star Wars or the Matrix, or even Astrology,
Choose Love not Fear.
Don’t feed the demons.
One breath at a time.
We got this.

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